Stan's Vision

I'm Stan Glazer, thank you for visiting the online headquarters for my campaign for Mayor of Kansas City!

Together, we're putting City Hall on notice: we're going to bring back accountability to our city government, we're going to kick out the arrogance and put our people first and we're going to rebuild all of Kansas City as we look to the future.

I'm running for Mayor because Kansas City needs a leader with common sense and our neighborhoods need a partner and advocate in government.

For over 50 years I have built businesses, created jobs and generated tax revenue for Kansas City as a business executive. I know how to lead because I've spent decades doing it successfully. I am running for Mayor so I can bring that experience and leadership to City Hall.

 VIDEO Stan Glazer announces candidacy

See Stan's announcement speech in Windows Media Format.

See Stan's campaign video from the Kansas City Star. WMV format.

Stan's interview with KSHB-TV. Best viewed with IE.

After experiencing the ups and downs of business, I've learned that accountability is a must in your budget and spending. It's a simple concept: you cannot spend what you don't have and you must spend what you do have wisely. Unfortunately, many in our city government have not yet learned that simple lesson. They still don't understand that the city's credit cards are maxed out.

Let's be clear about one thing: we do not need any more taxes on people, property or businesses! We have enough revenue; right now we lack the discipline to set the proper priorities and spend that money efficiently. It's time to be accountable, live within our means and stop adding tax burdens to the people and businesses of our community.

I've been successful as a business leader because I know you must be accountable to your customers and the citizens of Kansas City are City Hall's customers!

Together, we're putting City Hall on notice: the practice of not listening to the people of our city and arrogantly selling flavor of the month development plans after the deal is made will soon come to an end.

Kansas City needs a Mayor who listens to our citizens, business community and neighborhood organizations before major decisions are made. When we spend everyone's tax money, we'd better make sure we listened to more than high-prices consultants and a few special interests. We all pay for City Hall's spending so it's only right that we all should benefit from them, not just select parts of the City.

I will be a Mayor who listens to and respects the people I serve. The priorities we set in government must be consistent with the needs of our entire community and the neighborhoods that make up our city. I will also be a Mayor who listens when voters say "no".

We're starting to see some wonderful progress in some parts of the city - like downtown. I want to continue that progress but the overall mindset of City Hall has to change to serve everyone if we are to truly more forward as a community. There's much more to our great city than just downtown. Flashy building plans and new attractions are fun to look at, exciting to talk about and easy to present to the media - but our most pressing needs are not in such things.

Stan with his cat Princess

Our sports teams are certainly important to the city, but finding new public subsidies for them should not be our priority. Our most pressing needs are the basic city services that are too often not delivered to our citizens. These failures are all too often in our oldest neighborhoods. No one has made a fancy computer animated television commercial to draw attention to that yet. While many in City Hall right now worry about revenue and dollar signs, I worry about the quality of life of the people who live here.

Our neighborhoods, our people should not have to compete with lobbyists and media campaigns in order to get their streets, sewers and water lines fixed and maintained!

A recent survey conducted by our city government shows that 21% of Kansas Citian's are satisfied with the maintenance of our streets and only 24% are satisfied with the quality of leadership of our elected officials. That is unacceptable!

Clearly, those in office now are not doing the job that needs to be done.

We need basic city services for the people who already live here more than we need another media consultant's luxury hotel design for people who don't. As your Mayor, I will lead the effort to make sure every neighborhood gets its fair share of spending and basic services.

We should continue our efforts to attract visitors and new employers. In order to do that effectively, though, we must first ensure that we are properly serving those who are already here.

Stan being interviewed by local media

We must take on the violent crime that tears apart too many families and scars our great city's image. As your Mayor, I will make sure that both our neighborhoods and our law enforcement have a place at the table so we can solve this problem. For too long, our law enforcement and many of our neighborhoods have not been able to work together when we all have the same goals. Crime is not a problem that only affects a few - it affects us all personally and economically and it's time we unite as a community to face it. No one deserves to live in fear in their own home - Kansas City is too good for that.

We've done plenty of talking about this problem. I'm ready to lead the real work it will take to fix it.

We need to partner with our school districts with the full resources of City Hall to help provide every child the opportunity to achieve anything he or she wants. We cannot wait for the federal or state government to solve our problems with the school system. We must be proactive at the local level and I will be a Mayor who will offer the school districts any resources and support they need.

We must support, appreciate and protect our local businesses - big and small - who already succeed and provide goods, services and jobs in our community; we do not need to take away their property in hopes of attracting others who may or may not ever some. Government does not create jobs - but government can create the economic environment that makes Kansas City the place businesses want to be and the place they are most likely to succeed and create living wage jobs.

Kansas City needs a Mayor who is ready and able to actively promote our community on a national scale. I have years of experience in both public relations and marketing. I will be a Mayor who makes being an ambassador for Kansas City a vital part of my job.

By bringing common sense, business savvy and a genuine respect for all of the people in our community, we can and will move all of Kansas City forward. One of the reasons I have been successful as a leader and businessman is because I never stop thinking about tomorrow - and neither should you!

I can lead Kansas City to the future we deserve - that's why I want to be your Mayor. Thank you for your support!

Stan Glazer